JAPAN: Withdrawal of Notifications of Incompatibility of Certain PCT Rules with National Laws.


Applicants keep on struggling to get pharmaceutical patents in Argentina.

The new guidelines published in 2012 keep on putting obstacles and limitations to the patentability of pharmaceutical products. These guidelines are subject to revision of the competent Courts.   read more 


Patent Office indicates that it no longer has any reservations relating to the standards required for Electronic Filing and Processing of International Patent Applications

The Australian Patent Office announces that it is now in a position to withdraw its notification of incompatibility under Section 703(f) of the Administrative Instructions (in relation to filing requirements and the basic common standard as to the means of transmittal),   read more 


A MOU has been signed to recognize in Cambodia search and examination reports from the IP Office of Singapore.

On 20 January 2015, the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore and Cambodia's Ministry of Industry signed a Memorandum of Understanding according to which patent search and examination reports from IPOS will be recognized in Cambodia.   read more 


China creates new specialized IP Courts.

Three specialized IP courts in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou have become operational in China. The new IP courts will serve as the court of first instance for, among others, (1) technically complex civil and administrative patents cases, technology secrets, computer software,  read more 


The Patent Office's Practice in relation to granting fees is changing.

Until recently, the Patent Office was not enforcing the provision in Costa Rican Patent Law which set forth a deadline of three months as from the notification of favorable examination to pay the granting fees.  read more 


European Court of Justice: A resolution states that an organism which is incapable of developing into a human being does not constitute a human embryo within the meaning of the Biotech Directive.

The Court of Justice of the European Union issued a resolution providing some clarification regarding the meaning of human embryo used in the Biotech Directive. It concludes that an organism which is incapable of developing into a human being does not constitute a human embryo within the meaning of the Biotech Directive. Formerly, the European Court of Justice (C 34/10) sustained that the concept of "human embryo" includes unfertilized human ova whose division and further development have been stimulated by parthenogenesis, based on the fact that such ova are capable of commencing the process of development into a human being.   read more 


"European Court of Justice" A resolution states that it is not possible to obtain a second SPC for a combination comprising a product containing an active ingredient (sole subject-matter of the invention) and a not novel substance.

In case C-577/13 the ECJ has resolved that when a basic patent claims a product comprising an active ingredient which is the sole-subject matter of the invention, it is not possible to obtain a second SPC conferring protection to a combination of that active ingredient and another substance which is not novel.   read more 


Amendments on design rules have entered into force, affecting the official fee structure.

On January 1st, the Indian Patent Office released a notice announcing the enforcement of the amendments to the Indian rules on designs.   read more 


Circular on 3D Trademarks.

The Israeli Patent Office has issued a Circular which aims at providing clarity with regards to the possibility of registering shapes of objects and containers either as trademarks and/or as designs.   read more 


Withdrawal of Notifications of Incompatibility of Certain PCT Rules with National Laws.

The Japan Patent Office withdraws certain notifications of incompatibility with its national law regarding the notification and effect on restoration of right of priority.   read more 


New Japanese Laws took effect on 1 April 2015.

As of 1 April 2015, Japanese IP laws were amended. Among other things, Patent Law will (1) adopt a post grant opposition system,   read more 


New guidelines for approval and renewal of biological products.

Since 9 February 2015, new guidelines apply in Mexico for the approval and renewal of Biologics.   read more 


Morocco accepts validation of European Patents.

Applicants of European patents filed as of 1 March 2015 have the option of requesting validation in Morocco, which would have the same effect as a national Moroccan patent and whose enforcement will be subject to Moroccan patent law.   read more 


Norway does not require translation into Norwegian of the specification of European Patents granted after January 1st, 2015, as long as the patent is granted in English or an English translation is supplied.

On 26 September 2014, Norway joined the London Agreement. As a consequence, all European patents granted on or after 1 January 2015 will enjoy the provisions of the London Agreement pursuant to which a Norwegian translation of the specification will not be required as long as it is available in English (either because the patent has been granted in English or because an English translation has been provided).   read more 


PPH pilot program between the European Patent Office and the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore.

The EPO and the IPO of Singapore signed an agreement to set forth a pilot program enabling an applicant whose claims have been determined to be patentable to have a corresponding application filed with a PPH partner office processed in an accelerated manner.   read more 


The Saudi Patent Office has begun acting as a Patent Cooperation Treaty Receiving Office on 1 January 2015.

As a consequence of the Saudi Patent Office becoming a Receiving Office, international applications may be filed at the using WIPO's ePCT filing system.   read more 


US and Japan - Join the Hague System.

The United States of America and Japan have joined the Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs, adding two of the world's biggest economies to a WIPO-administered registry that supports creators worldwide.   read more 


ZIMBABWE AND CAMBODIA - Accession to Madrid System.

The Madrid Protocol will enter into force, with respect to Zimbabwe, on 11 March 2015 and to Cambodia on 5 June 2015. With regard to Cambodia, said instrument of accession was accompanied by a declaration whereby the time limit of one year to notify a provisional   read more